Sunday, October 5, 2008

Virginia Paper

As many of you already know, one particular piece of paper mailed from Richmond,VA was in our mailbox on Friday!! I turned around and UPS'd it back to Virginia to the Secretary of the Commonwealth's office. It is supposed to arrive there on Tuesday morning and be back to us by Thursday or Friday with an apostille in place. This is the spot where the letter came up missing last time around so I am praying history does not repeat itself. I so hope to mail out the dossier by Friday evening.

October, by the way, is Down Syndrome Awareness Month. I feel like such a newcomer to the world of DS but I would love to invite any of the readers of this blog to where you can learn valuable information, read mind-boggling statistics and have your eyes opened to the needs of orphans around the world who just happen to have an extra chromosome.


Bethany said...

I'm so glad you finally received it! :)

Our Story: Continued said...

Hoping this time it goes right (and quickly!)